the old Peruvian National Library building as portrayed on the back of a hundred soles banknote |
Traffic in Lima is unquestionably brutal. Driving is a cut throat business that, if you’re not too worried about your blood pressure, can be quite exhilarating, requiring aggression and creativity in equal parts.
The last
time I was living there, I was passenger in a taxi which got involved in a bit
of a fracas in the street. Needless to say heated gestures ensued, and as the
taxi driver drove off he spat out one word at the other motorist …. serrano.
He nodded
and smiled knowingly at me in the mirror. But I chose to remain silent in the
back. Serrano, of course, means someone
from the mountains.
There’s no
doubt that things are far different now from the times when tio Hernan was
writing his Anecdotes. But for me words tell stories, and the traffic incident was testament to a society still grappling with the lingering subtleties of racism and inclusion.
Tello was a
mountain Indian who overcame financial difficulties and social obstacles to reach
the position he did. He was a fierce advocate for indigenous communities, and I
think his single minded refusal to be intimidated by the coastal elites of the
time is a large factor in the legendary status he holds today for some
The rags to
riches angle is inspiring. But in this story Hernan, who was himself from the
central Andean highlands, takes issue with what he sees as a somewhat
patronising portrayal of his hero. And reminds his readers that the concepts of
money and position then, as now, can often be relative.
but not quite destitute
Wherein we learn of the reason for Tello's brief accomodation crisis and his subsequent rescue by an eminent Peruvian historian
Wherein we learn of the reason for Tello's brief accomodation crisis and his subsequent rescue by an eminent Peruvian historian
days after Tello’s death there appeared an article in La Tribuna under the
title Julio C Tello, Illustrious Amauta. I
believe it’s possible that this article has been the source of some resulting
biographies grossly overstating Tello’s supposed penury.